According to Kuo, Apple is reportedly planning on launching a 12-inch MacBook, which will boast an ‘ultra-slim clamshell form factor’ and a Retina display similar to the one seen on the MacBook Pro. This new laptop is likely to be powered by an Intel CPU like the new iMacs and the overall package is expected to “redefine laptop computing once again following the milestone created by the MacBook Air.”
Apple is also said to have started working on the sixth-generation iPad, which according to Kuo will cram in 40 percent more pixels compared to the Retina display on the current-gen iPad. There are also some murmurs about the third-generation iPad mini, but there’s currently no information available about the device.
Lastly, Kuo adds that Apple will be launching a budget iMac, which will be cheaper than the 21.5-inch iMac. The surprisingly low sales figures of the desktop PCs are what is said to have triggered this move. Apple recently refreshed the iMac lineup, which featured Intel’s Haswell CPUs, 802.11ac W-Fi, and GeForce 700-series graphics.
By: Sambit Satpathy